Student loans

Ode to Mitch McConnell

No more need for that harsh Southern lash.
In my country, we now dangle cash.
McConnell invokes the deceit of a higher tax.
Potent Republicanese. Millionaires can relax.

Youth crave a piece of ‘Murican Pie.
We’d like a job and home ‘fore we die.
Essential college debt overwhelms right at the start.
Useless degrees with no jobs to find. Not so damn smart.

Civic slaves to this backwards system.
Only plan for pay dirt is “school ‘em.”
Our graduates can’t get a decent minimum wage.
Then politicians always wonder why there’s such rage.

For that carrot on a stick, we reach.
Our debt drains our wallets like a leech.
Smart people try to make it. Our children need to feed!
We’re slaves to a broken system. All we do is bleed.

{I’m not much of a poet, but I wanted to express my disappointment over this most recent political failure using meter and verse.

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